- Hello, could I speak to Barry O’Toole, please ? - I’m afraid he’s not at his desk at present. Can I take a message ? - Yes, please. Would you mind telling him that Gloria Norris called? My number is 0208544 9733. - Thank you, I’ll make sure he gets the message . Style: professional and business-like *****************************************************************************
- Hi Barry, there was a call for you earlier while you were at lunch. - Who was it ? - It was Gloria Norris. She left her number for you to call her back. It’s on your desk. - Thanks for taking the message. I’ll give her a call now. . Style: professional and business-like ****************************************************************************
- Hello, I’m calling to speak to Sandra Berry. - Sorry, I think you have come through to the wrong department. Which department is Sandra in ? - I believe she is in the Legal department, but I’m not sure. - I’ll transfer you back to the switchboard. They’ll be able to tell you. . Style: professional and business-like *****************************************************************
- Hello, could I speak to Brendan O’Connell, please ? - Speaking. - Oh, hello Brendan. It’s Maria Carter here, calling from Slater’s Ltd. I believe you called me earlier. - Hello Maria, thank you for calling back. The reason I was calling was to ask if you’ve had a chance to look through the report I emailed you on Tuesday. . Style: professional and business-like ********************************************************************
- Hello, I’m calling to speak to someone in the Accounts department. - Of course. Could I take your name, please ? - Yes, it’s Frederick Hopper, calling from Davis Construction Limited. - Thank you, Mr Hopper. One moment please, I’ll just put you through now. . Style: professional and business-like